
Thursday, February 23, 2012


This title is based on a korean song that i have heard today. It is called Blue sang by Big Bang. Why do i choose this title? You must have wondered what so special about this song right? Let me share with you what i feel about this song. =)
Have you ever experience being left all alone by your loved ones or just anyone important or special in your life? When all the hurt you have kept inside, wondering why he/she left nor why he/she did this to you? Then you start questioning yourself, am i not good enough or have i done something wrong?
Think again...
No matter whose fault, neither one is wrong or right is not important at all. What is important is that both of you have been together, in love before or stay by each other other side when both needed each other. When you realized that they are not coming back to you, you just got to let them go.
Slowly this feeling will turn into a very deep, heavy scar and all you can feel is nothing. Numb. Neither do you feel lonely or sad. The pain wash away with your tears but the scars left is blue. He/She may still loves you and so do you but you both know that it just will not work or staying by each other side will only cause more pain.
Feeling blue may be very long or forever but new people will come and go as well. New feelings will come too. But for now, all you can feel is blue, empty, nothing, emotionless, just plain numb. That is the whole meaning of this song. I think its special cos most of the songs now sang with feelings and emotions, well most of them are. This one is rare. XD
Singing a song with good voice and melody but plain feelings? I guess its tough. Big Bang sang it well. They get to express and send the right message through this song with emotionless and that is awesome! ^^ Well, i am not their big fan or something but just to introduce this song cos for me it is special. So what do you guys think about it?

Leave comment and let me know how you think of this song~ Thank you! =p
Psst~ Correct me if i am wrong...XD

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