
Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Won't Give Up

Baby, this is an awesome song~! Doesn't matter you are in a long distance relationship or just any other relationships, Jason Mraz's "I won't give up " song does the job.
From what i get from this song is that one in love may not give up on their love ones no matter in what costs. Even their love/life is getting harder, even their time is short, even they have to face lots of hardships, as long as one will not let go or give up on each other, he/she may save this relationship.
It teaches us that we can be who we are and keep learning new things in life. No matter how old we are, we still learning. Learning to know each other, learning to live on together, stay together, we can learn about each other forever and being there for each other no matter in what situation we going to face together.
So please, hold on a little bit more when you fell down, when you know it is not right, when you know you have made a mistakes, hold on to make it right. Hold on so you won't disappointed each other. Be strong, be wise, never give up on what you believe is worth it. You know you both worthy to be together as one.
God knows that you both are meant to be together and you choose each other to be with each other as long as you both live. If this world still have love, then i do believe TRUE LOVE still exitsts. Keep all your promises and vows that you have made when you both are together. Distance is not a problem. Age too is not a problem.
Everything can be done as long as we never give up on each other's love. Hardships are just a test for all of us, a challenge we must break through. If you know he/she is worthy for you, there is nothing can stop you to keep this relationship going on right? =)
I think there are so many people that don't really understand the concept of love and cause many divorce everywhere but i do know there are certain divorce can make as an exception. For me, i think marriage is a real big thing to decide. Not as easy as 1, 2, 3 or when you learn a, b, c. I believe nothing in this world is easy. I believe everything happens for a reason and in its place.
I wish everyone will still keeping their faith in believing in themselves and also their love. Love will never be gone, only will be pushed away. Nothing can stop someone to love someone, so do appreciation.
Love makes the world goes round and round. It will never stop, so do hope. ^^

Hope you all enjoy this song as well~ XD

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