
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let Your Heart Decide

This song i especially dedicate to my best friends, you know who you are. XD
It is about how you face a fall in your life no matter with your job or someone you love. It is just about making choices and face the reality but you are confused. You know that you love him/her but people around you disagree and told you all the negative things.
It is how you handle all these things around you, human influence, media influence and so on that will change your mind but they can't change your heart. What you see and what they see might not the same. Believe in yourself. Be strong and be sure of what you want. Your senses tell you right to love that someone.
This song made especially by viewing someone you love but people don't see it right. You see that you have made the choice and happiness is in your way. You want to support them cos you know its special. Other people can't see it but you cos your heart desires them.
Everybody told you this is not good, you must let go, you are wasting your time and so on. They may gave you a lot of advises cos they care but only your heart know what is right and wrong to do for your own. Do it right, take your time to think but let your heart decide that this is the only way you want to choose.
You know that he/she is the only one you want. You know you can find happiness through him/her. This implies to your job too. If you know you love this job, you will go on working without mind what other people said. They can critic you but you won't let go when you know this is the right job that your heart desires.
It is not easy to make a choice but it is more harder if you don't know what you really want. Some things are harder to gain and it takes time. Some things just won't come. Some things just come so easily but i believe everything happens for a reason. It is like chopping a tree and regrow it. It takes time to grow a tree from seed, just like our life and experience.
Some waited 5 years, some waited 10 years, some even waited forever but nothing comes out. Things may seem like you can have it but that don't mean its yours. Remember this, everyone wants to beloved, everyone wants to have somebody to hold, but not everyone gets to beloved and to behold. Life is for yourself to cherish and work hard on to gain a better life. Not living but life.

We can't be greedy in life when it's a simple way to work hard and also to enjoy life at the same time. Life simple as that would be better i guess =)

Enjoy the song~ ^^
P/S: I love Celine Dion since i was young <3 she is my idol! lol~


  1. I always know what i wan~but now my mind is abit
    blur.That why i need clear my mind then make a right decision^^ty so much~xD

  2. Hehe..i know..thats why i think this song is so nice for you~ ^^

  3. Yeee...go find!!!!!! XD find torch light already sure can see already the dark heart...lol...
